Wednesday, 29 May 2013

A Freelancer's Tale - Knowledge and the Beginning

Blogging is a necessity for businesses these days. It is basically another fishing line cast in the vast sea called the internet. It's purpose is to hopefully snag somebody and turn them into a customer. There are hundreds of topics to blog about. I am going to start a special blog focused around my journey as a freelance graphic designer. It will be basically shorts on my findings, learning and other things that I want to share with you. Here is the first instalment of 'A Freelancer's Tale.'

Knowledge and the Beginning

Since my venture into being an entrepreneur, I had to learn many, many things. Such as marketing, advertising, workflow, networking, taxes, financial planning, just to name a few. I gorged myself on information from all over the internet reading blogs, how-tos, tutorials and case studies to prepare myself for the journey ahead.

Being on your own, there is no one to look after you. It is pretty much, me, myself and I (and the cat). It was a bit of a scary thought. Being employed by a company is almost like being placed in a nursery. The taxes, health care, equipment, work and other things were all taken care of. All you had to do was show up on time do your work and avoid getting into trouble. But working for yourself, you become accountable for everything.

As I began to stuff my brain full of knowledge, and putting it into practice... I noticed something.
It is that things were not as difficult as it seems, and I began to surprise myself when I began to see how it all works. Like when Neo could see the wireframe in The Matrix.

As the days went by since day one, I forced myself to leave the comfort zone and explore the vast and uncomfortable zones that I never did dare to venture. And it turns out that I actually became quite comfortable in these zones after some time. Thus I kept growing bolder and began to seek out these uncomfortable zones and turning them into familiar territory.

I guess the main points that I learned is that, to always keep learning and improving. Be brave and venture into uncomfortable territory. The internet has all the answers to your problems if you seek it out. Keep improving your skill set, you may find some hidden talents.

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